Slack message sending
Enabling this action allows your dashboard to send a message to your Slack channel whenever the user mentions any topic that you want to be notified with.
Check the steps to integrate Slack with Chatbase through this page.
- Click on the Create Action button of Slack in the AI Actions menu:
- Choose the Slack workspace that you want to be connected with this Action:
- In the When to use section, provide a detailed description explaining when we should use this action. Include examples of the data this action provides and customer queries it helps answer.
Click on Save button.
Make sure to enable this action to allow us to send a message to your Slack channel.
Now, you can try this action in the Playground on the right side of the page. It’s recommended to try sending a message in the Action preview to ensure that the AI agent sends a message to your Slack channel when the desired instructions are fulfilled before enabling the action.
“Call this tool to send a message in slack to the channel named: ai-actions-slack whenever the user mentions any of the following topics: standard plan”
Once the user mentioned the professional plan, a Slack notification is sent to the channel connected to this action: