Creating a Team

To create a new team, click on the Create Team button on the Select team dropdown menu.

On the next page, you need to add the details for the team, which includes:

  • Team Name: Defines the bot’s display name within the dashboard.
  • Team URL: Specifies the team slug, visible only in the URL when accessing the team on the dashboard.

Important Note: You can choose any team URL you prefer, as long as it’s unique and doesn’t match with any existing team.

After creating the team, you will be taken to a new page where you can press ‘New AI agent’ and start adding your sources to start your Chatbase journey!

General Notes

  • Each team has its own AI agents, billing information, and plan. These are not shared between teams.

  • Owners can change team settings (billing, plan, name), delete the team, and manage all AI agents within the team.

  • Members can only manage AI agents (train them, see data, delete them). They cannot change team settings.

  • Invite links expire 24 hours after it has been sent to an invitee.